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Retrieves current information regarding a subject using Credit Bureau reporting information. Provides: Full Names, Address History, Phone Numbers, Social Security Number, Driver License, Professional Licenses and Family Members, if available. Information may not be current if the person has not established a residence for at least 90 days.
Everything in Basic Skip Trace, plus Property Search for Homes in the US (May Not Provide Information if Property is in a Trust), if available.
Everything in Basic Skip Trace, plus Court Case Searches, including Tickets & Arrests from participating agencies. Once information is found, additional fees will apply for copies of the records from the respective court if needed. Most arrests and ticket searches provide codes violated, but not necessarily a description of the actual violation.
Provides Nationwide Bank and Credit Union information for a person in the US. This search provides the name of the institution, account type, and current balance recorded from the previous business day (if a person has signed a "Privacy Disclosure" request with their bank, Bank Name may be available, but no other information regarding the accounts). Typical turn around 5-7 Days. "No Result" Fee: $100.00
Provides Nationwide Brokerage Information for a person in the US. This search provides the name of the institution, account type, and current balance recorded from the previous business day (if a person has signed a "Privacy Disclosure" request with their brokerage firm, Brokerage Name may be available, but no other information regarding the accounts). Typical turn around 5-7 Days. "No Result" Fee: $100.00
Provides Nationwide Bank and Credit Union information for a person in the US and Brokerage Information. This search provides the name of the institution, account type, and current balance recorded from the previous business day (if a person has signed a "Privacy Disclosure" request with their bank or brokerage firm, Bank Name or Brokerage Name may be available, but no other information regarding the accounts). Typical turn around 5-7 Days. "No Result" Fee: $125.00
These Services are Only Available to Attorneys and Law Firms. Search results return all open accounts found regardless of the balance, acvity, or previously known accounts, if the customer opted out of privacy disclosure to the bank. Closed accounts are not usually disclosed, unless requested and then will be billed as a hit. Know accounts are not excluded. A brokerage combinaon search is considered a hit even if only banks are located, and no brokerage are found and vice versa. Results may included located open bank and/or brokerage name and last branch of processing and average or exact balance. Account numbers are not included. Required missing or incorrect informaon is automacally billed at our hourly rate, regardless of hit on search. Searches on deceased individuals are billed as hits regardless of results.