Not everything we see is as explainable as we'd like, but somethings we don't expect, can be explained, if we take the time to look close enough. The pictures and video above show that though I captured a weird green light, it was merely just a lens flair probably caused by the bright white light on the building next door. These pictures and video do not disprove the existence of Ghost Orbs, they just prove that the orbs captured were not Ghost Orbs.
Upon a second trip to the tree where the poor sole of Anita Gillis is said to sit, we now see that the image I captured the last time I was in the El Campo Santo Cemetery, was merely a gap in the leaves, and trickery of light. As excited as I was that I caught the original photo, I'm now more excited that I have done my job as an investigator and proven for a fact, that the ghost was not captured in my original photo... but maybe she was captured in yours!